Another great wananga was held at Kokiri over the weekend 27th and 28th of July. Lots of whakawhanaungatanga, good kai and some great learning. One of the highlights was getting the correct structure and order down for our pepeha and we learnt how to introduce ourselves in a mihi through recital of our whakapapa.
Our next hui will be on 24th and 25th of August. Keep an eye out for our panui updates.
Kia ora,
Just a couple of pātai. Do we have to be registered with Ngāti Porou ki Pōneke to go to reo hui? If so how do we do that?
Also, do we just have to register on the Saturday to secure a place at hui.
Ngā mihi
Kia ora Clare, no need to be registered with Ngāti Porou ki Pōneke. You can RSVP for the hui from the panui we sent out this morning.
Nga mihi
Beau Taare