To our whanau out there,

we hope you are keeping safe and that you and your household are keeping busy in your bubble. Please take care of yourselves, your whanau and those around you. There is support and help available if you need it, so check with your local Whanau Ora crew or your local community support and use the Ministry of Health site for keeping up to date.

The most vulnerable in our communities are our pakeke and those already ill or have medical issues.  It will hit these whanau members the hardest and fastest. Even when this lock down finishes, we will still need to take care.  Use reputable information. It is a flu so washing hands, coughing into your sleeve, keeping a distance, these all help.

Also get your normal flu shot, if the Cron19 flu wasn’t enough we are still coming into cold and Flu season.  So keep those germs away and stay safe.

Learn a couple of Waiata.  Check out the page “our waiata” teach the kids the actions.

I’ve been working on researching my whakapapa, check out,

Ngati Porou in the late 1800’s were publishing and printing their own newspapers, search a surname you may be surprised by what you find.


Lets keep our whanau safe.