by ManiT | Apr 16, 2020 | Uncategorized
To our whanau out there, we hope you are keeping safe and that you and your household are keeping busy in your bubble. Please take care of yourselves, your whanau and those around you. There is support and help available if you need it, so check with your local Whanau...
by ManiT | Feb 26, 2020 | Wananga
Welcome to 2020, once again Ngati Porou Ki Poneke Taurahere are supporting our Te Reo Wananga: If you are interested in attending- Kaupapa: Horouta Whanaunga Reo Àwhea: 07th March 2020 Ki hea: Porirua Wà timata: 10am – 8pm Contact/text Hine or Kelly: 022 409 0172 Or...
by ManiT | Feb 17, 2020 | Wananga
Welcome to 2020, once again Ngati Porou Ki Poneke Taurahere are supporting our Te Reo Wananga: If you are interested in attending- Kaupapa: Horouta Whanaunga Reo Àwhea: 07th March 2020 Ki hea: Porirua Wà timata: 10am – 8pm Contact/text Hine or Kelly: 022 409 0172 Or...
by ManiT | Jan 14, 2020 | Regular Panui
Applications for the Ngati Porou Tertiary Education Grants close at 5.00 p.m. on Friday 24 January 2020. For more information and to lodge your application on-line follow this link.
by ManiT | Jan 11, 2020 | Regular Panui
It’s a New Year! It’s a New Decade! Ngā mihi ō te Tau Hou ki a koutou katoa We hope you have had a relaxing break with friends and whānau and are back fully charged, ready for what 2020 and the new decade holds in store. There are a few changes coming this...