by ManiT | Feb 26, 2020 | Wananga
Welcome to 2020, once again Ngati Porou Ki Poneke Taurahere are supporting our Te Reo Wananga: If you are interested in attending- Kaupapa: Horouta Whanaunga Reo Àwhea: 07th March 2020 Ki hea: Porirua Wà timata: 10am – 8pm Contact/text Hine or Kelly: 022 409 0172 Or...
by ManiT | Feb 17, 2020 | Wananga
Welcome to 2020, once again Ngati Porou Ki Poneke Taurahere are supporting our Te Reo Wananga: If you are interested in attending- Kaupapa: Horouta Whanaunga Reo Àwhea: 07th March 2020 Ki hea: Porirua Wà timata: 10am – 8pm Contact/text Hine or Kelly: 022 409 0172 Or...
by ManiT | Aug 22, 2019 | Wananga
He aha: Horouta Wānanga, Horouta Whanaunga Āhea: 24 ki te 25 o Akuhata Kai hea: Horouta Marae REHITA INAIANEI Hōtaka – Programme NGĀ RŌPŪ HIKURANGI – Matatau, Raniera & Marka HOROUTA – Āhua matatau, Ben Mcgee WAIAPAU – Pepi heihei, Hine & Kelly Rāhoroi...
by ManiT | Aug 19, 2019 | Wananga
Horouta Wānanga, Horouta Whanaunga Ko te reo ake o Ngāti Porou me ōna tikanga He aha: Horouta Wānanga, Horouta Whanaunga Āhea: 24 ki te 25 o Akuhata Kai hea: Horouta Marae Te wā rēhita: 8.30am Timata: 9.00am REHITA INAIANEI E pai ana te rere o tö tātau kaupapa. Heoi...
by ManiT | Aug 14, 2019 | Wananga
Our next Ngati Porou Reo hui will be at Horouta Marae WHAT: Hourouta Wananga, Horouta Whanaunga WHEN: Saturday 24th and Sunday 25th August WHERE: Horouta Marae TIMATA: Registration opens at 8.30am Click here to RSVP More information coming, keep an eye out for our...
by ManiT | Jul 31, 2019 | Wananga
Another great wananga was held at Kokiri over the weekend 27th and 28th of July. Lots of whakawhanaungatanga, good kai and some great learning. One of the highlights was getting the correct structure and order down for our pepeha and we learnt how to introduce...